FN specification

Flexible Nets (FNs) are specified by a Python dictionary with the fields described in this section. Notice that such dictionary can be modified by fnyzer to set default options and to adjust some parameters.


See Supplementary File S1 of https://doi.org/10.1038/s41540-017-0044-x for names and meaning of the FN parameters.


See keys in dictionaries vdimdom (files FlexN.py and GFlexN.py) for names of the variables that are available in fnyzer. Those names can be used to define the objective function, to specify the variables to plot, to define extra constraints, etc.

The following fields can be used to specify a FN:

'name': String denoting the name of the net

This string will be used to generate names for ‘xlsfile’ and ‘netfile’ (see options below) if such fields are omitted.

'solver': String denoting the solver to use

fnyzer has been mainly tested with ‘gurobi’, ‘cplex’ and ‘glpk’.


GLPK does not support quadratic constraints and will not be able to solve some optimization problems.

'theta': Number denoting the length of the time interval for optimization

This field is compulsory for transient analysis.

'places': Dictionary with names of places and initial markings

A None value means that the initial marking is not specified, and hence, it is taken as a variable that can be constrained by ‘m0cons’ or ‘extracons’, e.g.

'places': {'p1': 5, 'p2': None}

A dictionary can also be associated with each place to describe it (only the value of ‘m0’ will be used during analysis, e.g.

'p1': {'m0': 5, 'full_name': 'ATP', 'formula': 'cdcdsH'}
'trans': Dictionary with names of transitions, intensities and number of actions

This dictionary contains the names of transitions, their default intensities and their initial number of actions. A None value means that the default intensity/initial actions is not specified, and hence, it is taken as a variable that can be constrained by ‘l0cons’/’a0cons’ or ‘extracons’, e.g.

'trans': {'t1': {'l0': 2, 'a0': 1}, 't2': {'l0': None, 'a0': 0}}
'regs': Dictionary with names and specification of regions

Each region is specified by a list of linear constraints, e.g.

'regs': {'upr': ["50 >= m['p2']", "m['p2'] <= 100"],
         'lor': ["m['p2'] <= 50"]}
'parts': Dictionary with names of partitions and associated regions


'parts': {'Part1': ['upr', 'lor'], 'Part2': ['regalpha', 'regbeta']}
'vhandlers': Dictionary with names and specification of event handlers

Each event handler is specified by a list whose first component is a dictionary that links nicknames to connected arcs and edges, and the rest of components are the linear relations between the variables associated to the arcs and edges. Example:

'vhandlers': {'v1':[{'a': ('p1','v1'), 'b':('v1','p2'), 'c':('t1','v1')},
                    'a == b', 'a == c'],
              'v2':[{'a':('p2','v2'), 'b':('v2','p1'), 'c':('t2','v2')},
                    'a <= b', 'b <= a', 'c == a']}

In general, any linear expression satisfying Python syntax, eg. “-2.0*a <= -b + c” can be used.


Nicknames have to follow the regular expression [_A-Za-z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* and cannot be Python keywords.

'shandlers': Dictionary with names and specification of intensity handlers

The specification is similar to that of the event handlers plus the optional addition of guards for the linear relations in guarded nets. For instance, an intensity handler s1 with unguarded and guarded arcs can be defined as:

'shandlers': {'s1':[{'a':('p1','s1'), 'x':('s1','t1'), 'y':('s1','t2'), 'z':('s1','t3')},
                   'x==2*a',                              # unguarded arc
                   {'upr': ['2.1*a <= y', 'y <= 2.2*a'],
                    'lor': ['1.1*a <= y', 'y <= 1.2*a']}, # guarded arc
                   'x == 1+z']}                           # unguarded arc


All places, transitions, vhandlers and shandlers must have different names.

'm0cons': List of initial marking constraints


'm0cons': ["100 <= m0['p1']", "m0['p1'] + 2*m0['p3']<= 110"]

Warning: there must be no spaces or separators within the variables and brackets of the constraints, i.e. “m0 [‘A’] == 0.5*m[‘A’]” or “m0[ ‘A’] == 0.5*m[‘A’]” will raise an error.

'l0cons': List of default intensity constraints


'l0cons': ["l0['t1'] <= 8", "l0['t2'] >= 3"]
'a0cons': List of initial actions constraints


'a0cons': ["a0['t1']>=2.3", "a0['t2']<=12"]
'mcons': List of final marking constraints


'mcons': ["m['p1']>= 15", "-19+m['p1']<=m['p2']"]
'mbounds': List of marking bounds

These bounds are forced both for the final and average marking. Example:

'mbounds': ["m['p1']>= 7", "9<=m['p2']"]
'actfplaces': List of places whose tokens must be active at the final state

Instead of a list, it can be the string ‘all’ that accounts for all places. Example:

'actfplaces': ['p1', 'p2']
'actavplaces': List of places whose tokens must be active all the time

Instead of a list it can be the string ‘all’ that accounts for all places. Example:

'actavplaces': ['p1', 'p2']
'exftrans': List of transitions with forced executions at the final state

Instead of a list it can be the string ‘all’ that accounts for all transitions. Example:

'exftrans': ['t1', 't2']
'exavtrans': List of transitions with forced executions over all the time interval

Instead of a list it can be the string ‘all’ that accounts for all transitions.

'exavtrans': ['t1', 't2']
'Ec' and 'Fc': Matrices Ec and Fc for equalities of intensitis at arcs

Each component of Ec is a dictionary with the weights of the arcs. Example:

'Ec':[{('s1','t1'): 2, ('s2','t2'): -1}, {('s3','t5'): 1}]
'Fc':[0, 1]

implies that the following constraints must hold:

\[2\cdot\Delta\lambda[(s1,t1)] = \Delta\lambda[(s2,t2)]\]


\[\Delta\lambda[(s3,t5)] = 1\]
'E' and 'F': Matrices E and F for inequalities of intensitis at arcs

If a component of F is set to float(‘-inf’) then a tight upper bound for the corresponding component of E will be computed. Example:

'E': [{('s1','t1'): 1, ('s2','t2'): 1}, {('s3','t5'): 1}]
'F': [10, float('-inf')]

implies that:

\[\Delta\lambda[(s1,t1)] + \Delta\lambda[(s2,t2)] \leq 10\]

must hold, and a upper bound b will be computed such that:

\[\Delta\lambda[(s3,t5)] \leq b\]

will hold.

'wl', 'wu': Lower and upper bounds to linearize products of variables

These values are used to linearize products of variables involving intensities and are computed automatically if they are not specified.

'W': Upper bound to linearize implications in guarded nets

This value is computed automatically if it is not specified.

'extracons': List of extra constraints that must be satisfied

These constraints will be included in the programming problem to be optimized. Example:

'extracons': ["avm['PrX' ]>= 40", "m['p1']+avl['t1' ]>= 3"]
'obj': Dictionary with the objective function and its sense

The key ‘f’ is the objective function, and the key ‘sense’ is the string ‘min’ or ‘max’. Example:

'obj': {'f': "m['P1']", 'sense': 'max'}
'options': Dictionary that specifies the following options


See dictionary defoptions in FlexN.py for default values of the options.

‘antype’: String specifying the analysis type
Possible values: ‘tr’ = transient, ‘un’ = untimed, ‘st’ = steady state, ‘cst’ = constant steady state, ‘mpc’ = model predictive control.
‘epsiloncompF’: epsilon used in the exit condition to compute F
‘epsilonLU’: epsilon to check if L[k] and U[k] are too close
If U[k]<=L[k]+epsilonLU, then: 1) k is removed from L, U, E, F and moved to Ec[k]; and 2) Fc[k] is set to the original U[k].
‘maxitcompF’: Maximum number of iterations used in the exit condition to computet F
‘allsatoE’: Boolean
If True all the intensity arcs will be included in E and the corresponding components of F will be set to float(‘-inf’). If True the quadratic constraints are likely to be tighter and the bounds more precise. If True more CPU time is required, specially if the net is big or has many intermediate states.
‘printres’: Boolean
If True print values of variables and objective function.
‘writexls’: Boolean
If True write values of variables and objective function to the spreadsheet ‘xlsfile’.
‘writevars’: Variables to be written to the spreadsheet
If ‘all’ all variables are written, otherwise they have to be specifies as a dictionary like: {‘avmue’:’all’, ‘l0’:[‘t1’,’t2’], ‘m’:[‘p1’,’p2’]} where ‘all’ stands for all the components of the key variable
‘writeLUnegsa’: Boolean
If False the LU components with one element and negative weight are not written.
‘xlsfile’: Name of the spreadsheet where the results will be written
‘savenet’: Boolean
If True save net after optimization, i.e., with all the computed variables, as a Python object to file ‘netfile’. The net is saved with the method cPickle.dump().
‘netfile’: Name of the file where the net object will be saved
‘printmodel’: Boolean
If True print the programming problem (variables, constraints, objective function).
‘dsspe’: Dictionary that specifies intervals for linearization.

Dictionary {‘type’: , ‘q’: } that specifies how the intervals ds=[0,d1,..,dq-1,dq] to linearize the products of variables are generated.

  • ‘type’ can be either ‘exp’ for exponential, ‘uni’ for uniform, ‘rand’ for uniform plus random or ‘shift’ for slightly shifted uniform.
  • ‘q’ is the number of intervals (in ‘rand’ and ‘shift’ an optional key ‘shf’ can be used to define how much the values dj in ds are shifted).
‘epsilonalga’: epsilon used to set alphar and gammar according to avdeltar.

‘epsilonalga’ must be lower than 1/k where k is the number of regions of the partition with the highest number of regions (see (67), (96) and (97) of Supplementary file S1 of https://doi.org/10.1038/s41540-017-0044-x).


Avoid a very low ‘epsilonalga’ as it can cause numerical issues in the solver, e.g. the solver might violate a constraint by close to tolerance values.

‘scalebs’: Numerical value to scale bounds wl, wu and W
The bounds wl, wu and W are multiplied by ‘scalebs’ so that they are not tight.