Auxiliary functions

In order to facilitate the specification of FNs, fnyzer provides:

  • A function to convert Cobra models into FN dictionaries.
  • A class to approximate nonlinear dynamics by piecewise linear functions.

Cobra models

The function cobra2fn() converts a Cobra model into a FN specification. It is defined as:

def cobra2fn(comodel, knockouts = [], solver = 'cplex'):

where comodel is a Cobra model, knockouts is a list of names of genes to be knocked out before generating the FN, and solver is the name of the solver to be used in future analysis.

The following lines assume that Cobra is installed in your system and that the file MODELXXX.xml is a model in SBML format.

from fnyzer import cobra2fn
import cobra
model ='MODELXXX.xml')
fndic = cobra2fn(model)

fndic is now a dictionary containing the FN specification that can be edited and analyzed, see Getting started.

Nonlinear dynamics

The class regsheap, see file, can be used to create and store in a priority queue regions that represent a piecewise linear approximation of a nonlinear function. Such regions comply with the format required for FNs.

The parameters required are the following (see below for an example):

'proregs': Dictionary with the initial borders of the regions
'func': Nonlinear function to be approximated

The dynamics of the regions are given by ‘func’ which is approximated by a linear function. The function ‘func’ takes a matrix as an argument, the first column of the matrix is a constant vector 1 and the rest of the columns of the matrix are the paramenters of the function sorted alphabetically.

The linear dynamics of each regions is obtained by linear regression (ordinary least squares). Once the regions are created, the region with maximum msr (mean squared residual) is split. A warning is reported if the predicted dynamics of a generated region can get negative values (such a region should be further split to get better precision and avoid negative values).

'parnames': Dictionary with names of net elements and parameters

Dictionary that associates names of the elements connected with the intensity handler with the names of the parameters used in the linear expression:

parnames[‘lap’] refers to the name of the variable to which the linear regression is assigned, usually an intensity sarc.

parnames[‘place’] refers to the name of the parameter associated with the intensity edge (‘place’, ‘shandler’).

'maxregs', 'maxmsr': Maximum number of regions and mean squared residual

The regions are further split until ‘maxregs’ regions are created or the msr (mean squared residual) of every region is lower than ‘maxmsr’.

'sampoints': Number of points used to sample the function

Number of points to be used in each dimension for the linear approximation (regression).

'pref': The names of the regions are prefixed with 'pref'

The use of regsheap is explemplified by the FN hillpwlnet in the file The net models a reaction with a rate that follows a particular Hill equation. In order to analyze the FN, download the file in your working directory and execute the following line in a shell to get steady state information:

$ fnyzer hillpwlnet hillpwlnet

Execute the following to get a trajectory of the FN with MPC:

$ fnyzer hillpwlnet hillpwlnetmpc


  • The function to be approximated is assumed to depend just on the marking m.
  • The resulting approximation is assigned to just one intensity arc.